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Carol Chesarek, Coordinator

Tiffany Smith, Site Questions/Additions


PCEO Trivia

This week's trivia quiz:

How many people were really stuffed into that Ford Tarus in Las Vegas?

Past Trivia:

Who was the most missed at the 20 year reunion last Saturday, who were you most surprised to see?

You, if you weren’t there!!!!!!

Looking forward to seeing you next year!!!!


How many matrimonial unions have occurred between PCEOites?
PCEO Unions; Probably not all, PCEO was a frisky bunch...

  • Barbi and Ken
  • Pam & Mason
  • Karen & Jeff
  • Lew and Lori
  • Phil and Rebecca
  • Dan Wagner and Elise Lind (but was that after PCEO??)
  • Larry and Carol Tyler (but they were married before they came to PCEO)
  • Mehdi and Cindy (but did she work at PCEO -- oh, the memory!)
  • Keith Felger and Vara


Who appeared as Elvis? And who was asked to be Elvis but turned it down?
Mike Hudson filled in for Elvis and we believe it was Garth Upshaw that had a previous commitment when asked to serve. Hunacre was a conglomeration of “the Hundred Acre Woods” of Winnie the Pooh fame.


What did the code name Hunacre stand for?
Hunacre was a conglomeration of “the Hundred Acre Woods” of Winnie the Pooh fame.


What was the explanation of Black Monday and who do we blame?
Black Monday: Mr. Bader slipped this comment out on the day that 3 women started at PCEO, this was years back when the term PC meant the computer we were trying to enhance.


How many PCEO product code names can you remember?
Code names:
Sherman, Peabody, Rocky, Bullwinkle, Snap, Seven Up, Tweedle Dee,
Tweedle Dum, Oddjob, Fifi, Boris,Geraldine, Natasha, Pickett, Donatello, Snowball,
Batman, Robin, Toto, Hunacre, Casper, Mustafa, Acme, Acme Jr and Mogul....I know there are lots!


Whose car was shrinkwrapped? Whose car caught a falling forklift?
Well there was more than one car wrapped apparently. Both Priscilla Nguyen and Ellen Lacey found their autos preserved courtesy of the outback gang. As far as the forklift "cushion", noone knows! Many remember the event and our consensus so far was that it was an innocent bystander's car not a PCEOite, did we know how to make nice with the
neighbors or what!


"Whose picture appears most often in the 1988 PCO yearbook?"
The survey says...Joan Miller, Connie Brown followed by Elvis..., but wait the official judges claim Elvis is on top...this looks like the makings of a world class smackdown with BOTH SIDES RIFLING THEIR PAGES, DOUBLE CHECKING THEIR CLAIMS, I AM BETTING ON ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS OVER ENDLESS BEERS, MAYBE EVEN PUNCHES THROWN!!!! Well let's hope there are no punches because I'm sure Carol would get the best of Steve.


More to come!