
Tim Dowling

PCEO Department(s)

Product Management

My Years in PCEO


I’m now living in

Seattle, Washington

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Home Networking Software, My Boat.

Favorite PCEO Memories

EMS 4.0 Launch event and holding Anita Johnson back from beating up the AST guys.

Eating live leopard eals with Robert Kidd in Taiwan for the Above Board 2 Launch

Having Steve Balmer from Microsoft yell and cus at me when I told him we wouldn’t let AST get added to the Lotus Intel Microsoft 4.0 Spec and turn it into LIMA.

Watching Jim Johnson and Rich Bader do the hula.

Seeing Marion’s face and reaction when Phil sent out a chauvinistic spoof email from her.


If I could do it over again

I wouldn’t forget my wedding ring in the mens bathroom

I would play more jokes on Bob Trexler J

Life since PCEO

Two great kids: Chelsea 13 and Mackenzie 8.

Left Intel in 2000 to work for PCOrder , sold company a year later (Involved a move to Austin Tx.)

Moved to Seattle in 2001 to run ImageX, Sold to Kinkos.

Now running a startup focus on Home Networking Software

Avid boater on the weekends.


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