
Tiffany Smith

PCEO Department(s)


My Years in PCEO


I’m now living in

Pasadena, CA

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Design and web development for Form+Spark, Inc.; working on my photography; planning my next travel destination.

Favorite PCEO Memories

Where do I begin? Even though I left to travel and to work on my own, I loved every minute at PCEO.

If I could do it over again

I would keep in closer touch with everyone after leaving Intel. With my traveling and moving from city to city I lost addresses and fell out of touch with the PCEO group.

[But it is great to be back in touch with everyone now!]

Life since PCEO

Building my business and traveling as much as possible. (Traveling mostly to find Elvis, after thinking I saw him in the PCEO Outback!)


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