
Rob Meadows

PCEO Department(s)

Software development for fax & modem stuff

My Years in PCEO

About 2 years

I’m now living in

Same house for last 15 years!

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Exit strategy number 42 (aka retirement plan)

Favorite PCEO Memories

Memorable (for the most part) business trip to Ireland with Steve Armbrust – one week being entertained by Softrans in a variety of restaurants and pubs, and, occasionally, at their office. 

Tracy Petrie using marriage as an excuse to get out of Connection CoProcessor validation.

The creation of the darts performance graph with Alan Packer, plotting darts accuracy against pints of beer consumed.

Sorry, were we supposed to have done work as well?

The Intern videos – which answers the previous question!

East Coast whirlwind tour with (I think) Tim Teckman, Ted Forgeron and the marketing guy Dave Taylor, with John Nells tearing around New England at ~80 mph, and getting lost in a rather shady suburb of New York.

Nick Stueklen indelibly stamping all his office equipment with his name – I still have his tape dispenser on my desk!

And, of course, the infamous water fights, culminating in someone fracturing their arm slipping over and thus bringing to an end the ritual soaking of most of PCEO.


If I could do it over again

I’d have joined earlier so that I could have benefited from all the bonuses!

Life since PCEO

A cat’s existence at Intel – I’m on my 7th life approx!  LEO (I think), IAL, NPD, SNO, HPG, CPD, DPG (if you can believe that) and now HND.

2001 was the year from hell.  Redeployed twice and open-heart surgery all within 9 months!


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