
 A. Richard (Dick) Wurst

PCEO Department(s)

Sales-Eastern Region Manager

My Years in PCEO


I’m now living in

The same place-Lawn Gisland Noo Yawk

Email Address

Today you’ll most likely find me working overtime on

Marketing programs, plans, and Proposals for technology clients

Favorite PCEO Memories

Every moment*---

Being in the field, my trips to Portland to meet and visit with the best people I’ve ever worked with really are at the top of my list.  Not to emulate a Harold-style emotional moment here! 

The camaraderie, sense of mission and common purpose, the culture that encouraged ingenuity, insight, and risk-taking… have never been replicated for me. 

The belief that together we could do anything and each of us made a difference was, if you’ll pardon the expression, the wind beneath PCEO’s wings….and we did soar!

Sorry I could not join all of you…and hope that we will be together  again---maybe on the 25th Anniversary.

Have a great time

*Except the bare chested (mine) event ---I hope there are no pictures of that left

If I could do it over again

I’d have discovered PCEO earlier and stayed later!

Life since PCEO

Never been quite the same…. Many rewarding moments.  But rarely the sustained and energized satisfaction at what was being accomplished.

For the boring historical

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